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Saves my sanity!
As a first year teacher, Andrea has saved my sanity! Most people don’t want to talk about the harsh realities of teaching (because we are just supposed to be thankful for our jobs) but she is able to do it with grace and so much humor!!

Best thing on the internet rn
Your reels give me life!

Andrea makes me laugh
Teaching is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Working with high school students makes me Laugh all day, but not as much as her! Can’t wait for this podcast!

Do yourself a favor and subscribe! I’m not a teacher myself (I have teacher family members) and I still find the content both hilarious and inspiring!

Love this lady
I will listen to anything Andrea does! Her mix of humor with the “realness” and vulnerability of being a teacher is the antidote to teacher burnout!

So excited!!!!
I’m so excited for this podcast. If it’s anything like her tik toks I’ll be belly laughing every week listening to the podcast. As a principal, after 25 years teaching, I love Andrea. She keeps it real and is so freaking funny. Looking forward to the joy you’ll bring to me weekly. Thank you!

Thank you!
Thank you for bringing laughter and showing us the funny stuff about teaching!

Great content for non teachers too!
This is just great for anyone who has kids, works with kids or was a kid!

Hilarious and real
Andrea has such a unique ability to take something so mundane about teaching and working with students and share it in such a humorous and accurate way. It’s so relatable and reassuring to hear her stories and takes on everyday classroom shenanigans.

Pee Your Pants Funny
Andrea is hilarious. She’s smart and knows her stuff, but can also be a hot mess like the rest of us at times. She’s literally just keeping it real. If you are deep in the teacher trenches, or just starting out, you need to follow this podcast. As a 25 year veteran, I moved from 20 yrs in Kindergarten/Grade One to teaching Social Studies and Art for Gr 9-12 in a High School. Andrea’s video comparisons of elementary-middle-high school teachers in the wild are spot on and never cease to have me scream ‘yes, that’s totally how it is!’ She gets the hard days, the parents who drive us bananas, the kids who suffer through the unimaginable and lean on us for support, the supportive colleagues and the not so great ones, the keeners and the wieners.’ She has lived it and come through the other side mostly unscathed. Lol. And now she’s passing on her wisdom to the next generation with her own brand of humour, because let’s face it, if we can’t laugh in this profession at some of the most asinine things we see on the daily, we’d likely break. This should be a must-listen for any future teachers who want to know what they are in for (including all the warm fuzzies because we do love the kids, even the ding dongs), and for us veterans who just need that dose of affirmation.

Excited, eager, enthusiastic for this podcast!
On hard days when I need a few minutes to regain my sanity after surviving one of those teaching days that feels like it never ends, I look forward to Andrea’s content because it validates me while also making me smile. She has the ability to perfectly balance sarcasm and wit with genuine love, appreciation, and respect for her students as well as her wider teaching community! Her authenticity is a breath of fresh air and I can’t wait to enjoy her podcast as it is sure to be stellar!

Nailed it!!!
Andrea is doing things the right way and I love the mindset and perspective she’s taking with this podcast! As an educator and podcaster, I truly view her as an elite talent just beginning to find her voice in this creative outlet!!! Well done.

Three cheers for taking care of our teachers and learning from them!!!

Chad checking in here
I can 100 percent affirm that none of this stuff happened, but I will listen anyway!

So funny!
I cannot wait to hear the podcast! Her videos make me laugh so hard 😂 Her stories ring true and validate my experiences in the classroom!

Can’t wait!
So excited for the podcast! Andrea’s content on Instagram is hilarious & so real. Love her stories:)

Teacher’s Stories are the Best!
I taught middle school and high school for 8 years and now instruct University students. Andrea’s stories ring true, and help me keep up with what the kids are like as they enter my class. Looking forward to this podcast!

I’m soooo looking forward to this! Andrea has just the right amount of cynicism to be an amazing teacher and has the best stories! I’ve followed on Instagram for a while and I’m so excited to listen on my way to and from school (where I teach…)

Not Me, Being Shamed Into Following…
Andrea is HILARIOUS, because every word she utters is the truth -former 7-12 SpEd teacher. 😀

I cannot wait
I cannot wait for this podcast to drop. I have it marked on my calendar. Andrea never disappoints!

Can’t wait! Videos are beyond funny and make my day!

I can’t wait!!
I live for weekends when I can check in on what those kids are doing! I love that Andrea finds the love, humor, and difficulty in public education careers. Looking forward to her launch!

18 years in education
Always encouraged by your YouTube shorts!

Awesome Andrea
Andrea blows me away with everything she posts. She’s taken on so many different tasks and still does everything amazingly. I can’t wait to hear all these new episodes you’ve got up your sleeve.

So excited for this podcast!
Andrea’s IG account is often the only reason I go on Instagram after a long day of teaching. I love her hilarious stories, and her videos about middle school students are 1000% accurate 😂 #middleschoolenglishteacher Thanks for being a bright light in the world, Andrea! You help teachers feel seen and heard! ❤️

A must watch
Andrea has a contagious humor that she brings to everything she does. She shares the good and crazy things that happen to teachers with such clarity and class. SIGN UP!

What’s not to like?
Andrea’s videos are awesome, she’s awesome, this show idea’s awesome, even this review is awesome! Andrew FTW!!!!