Andrea Forcum (@EducatorAndrea)

Andrea Forcum (@EducatorAndrea) Profile Photo

Educator / Influencer / Speaker / Writer / Consultant / Mom

One fine day in 2021, Andrea noticed an unforgivable gap in the online education influencer space. EVERY POST by teachers, for teachers, was so heavily polished, heavily edited, and obviously scripted that it felt superficial and fake. Inspired to do something about it and fueled by ADHD - Andrea began creating videos with the sharp, satirical lens of a real teacher. One who’d been through the gauntlet with nine years of experience both pre and post COVID (if you know… you know).

In that short amount of time, Andrea’s audience has grown to over a million devoted followers across platforms (and growing fast). But these aren’t just fans, they’re fellow teachers, pouring in to laugh with Andrea about the beautiful chaos of the classroom. Educators from across North America (and the world) took notice of this authentic voice to rally behind. One who saw their struggle and allowed them to both laugh and feel validated for their careers in one of the most profoundly challenging (albeit rebelliously hopeful) professions. From letters to comments to emails aplenty - teachers now see @EducatorAndrea as someone who “gets it” in a way few do. A creative voice who acknowledges their struggle without ever dogging the profession or punching down.

ALSO — Andrea has a doctorate and two master’s degrees which she picked up along the way to her current position as a Professor of Teaching and Learning at Indiana State AND a presenting speaker for the Indiana State Teachers Association Good Teaching Conference.